A Three Man Tent is Ideal For Backpacking Trips
Are you the adventurous type? Do you and your friends want to explore the outdoors through hiking and camping? Then you might want to consider using a three man backpacking tent when you go on your exploration. The tent is big enough to hold three adults, but it is light enough to be carried in a backpack, weighing as little as 1 pound 5 ounces. Lightweight polyester makes up the fabric of the tents which makes them very easy to fold and store in a backpack. Most of the tents are made of weatherproof material, keeping it safe from rain and other harsh elements.
Polyester is fairly durable, making the tent safe from harsh conditions. You won’t have to worry about tearing a hole into the fabric due to movement inside the tent. Setting up the tent is hassle free as well. The tents vary in colors as well as styles. The Chinook North Star is a tent that stands 4 feet high and weighs 7 pounds. It has two poles and a bathtub style floor. The tent comes in a blue color and costs around $120. The Chinnok Tornado comes in a green color, but only stands about 3 feet tall.
Prices vary according to the design and capacity, with single person tents and 2 man tents readily available as well. Tents that can be easily stored in a backpack makes hiking and camping relatively easy. Since you won’t have to worry about bringing bulky gear, you gain an advantage and will be able to travel to different locations without having to take up too much time setting up camp. When you’re done with camping and are ready to load up and go home, disassembling the tent won’t be that hard either. The load of the backpack can be shared as well, with you and your friends taking turns carrying the backpack throughout your trip.
The three man backpacking tent is a generous gift for individuals with the love of the outdoors and camping. It can also be put to use for scouting programs or other functions in which camping trips will be made. Three or four kids can share a tent to themselves and won’t have to worry about being alone in the outdoors. The tents are spacious enough to allow for sleeping bags and other traditional camping gear one may use when going on a camping trip.